Gateway Area Development District (GADD) has launched a mobile meal distribution site program, MotorMeals. GADD will canvas the region targeting populated areas, communities, and housing developments to provide seniors with a hot nutritionally-qualified meal. To participate in the MotorMeals program, individuals must be enrolled, or enroll, in a GADD senior center program. Signing up is quick and easy and can be completed over the phone by contacting your local senior center.
Read MoreThe Rowan County Public Library is working with the University of Kentucky on a research study to provide home radon detectors at the library at no cost to you. Patrons can check-out a Corentium Home by Airthings® Home Radon Detector and test their home for two weeks. At the end of testing, patrons will know their average home radon level
Read MoreThe new Kentucky Fishing & Boating Guide is now available at the courthouse or online at
Read MoreClearfield Elementary School has been hard at work this semester on their project based learning activity that allows students to give back to their community. After identifying hunger as a need, students were given the task of creating ways to have a positive impact on their town, while also continuing to master grade-level content within their classrooms. After much thought, CES students decided to address hunger in Clearfield by adding a Blessing Box to their community.
Read MoreOver a year ago, we began our work release program at the Rowan County Detention Center, allowing qualified inmates to work at local businesses. We have had over 40 inmates involved in the program, and we’re incredibly grateful for the positive feedback from businesses and the lasting impact we anticipate it will have on participants’ lives post-release. The work release program gives these individuals the means to build a better life, with a paying job, work experience, and the influence of community-minded folks who also benefit from the expanded workforce.
Read MoreThis month, we celebrated the groundbreaking of our new secondary ambulance service facility, the John "Pete" B. Hamm Station. The site will serve as a hub for emergency medical services in the eastern half of the county and dramatically cut response times for our people in need. Rowan County EMS makes over 5,000 runs yearly and serves a regional medical facility. To respond to the needs of our growing county, it is essential that we grow our services. This will help set us up for the future, with an impact felt by Rowan Countians long after we’ve all moved on.
Read MoreThe pictured check for $1,000 was presented to Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 1525 for their Flight Training Scholarship Program: “Giving Wings to our Next Generation”. Funding for this donation comes from the estate of member Steve Fouch who recently passed away and asked the Legion to devote a portion of his estate to a worthy community cause. Major Fouch was an Air Force Veteran, and it was thought that a program supporting aviation training for youth would be most appropriate to honor his legacy. This check is the first that will be donated from Major Fouch’s estate to the EAA Flight Scholarship fund over the next 10 years.
Read MoreWe invite all citizens of Rowan County to join us for the 30th annual City- County Christmas Dinner! The dinner will be held at the Carl Perkins Center on December 1st and will begin at 4:30pm.
Read MoreWe are thrilled to announce the Historic Hickory Flats Fire Tower and Cabin owned by the Route 377 Fire Dept. is now available for overnight stays! Hike into the location and take your Morehead-Rowan County, Kentucky adventures to new heights!
Read MoreThe National Weather Service has recognized Rowan County as a StormReady Community. This indicates that Rowan County Emergency Management has done everything possible to improve emergency first responder and community preparedness in the event of a natural disaster. With communications and infrastructure in place, along with severe weather awareness, it is no doubt that loss of life and property will be minimized in the future.
Read MoreThis month we were joined by Governor Andy Beshear and Senior Advisor Rocky Adkins to honor several first responders whose heroic efforts in the Eastern Kentucky floods resulted in the rescue of approximately 100 Kentuckians. These individual’s exceptional performance, professionalism, and dedication to duty reflect great credit upon themselves, the first responder community, Rowan County, and the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Read MoreMorehead is looking forward to a new opportunity for everyone in the area to enjoy public art and for businesses to attract visitors to their location: the Morehead Kentucky Turtle Walk.
Read MoreIn addition to the fire, rescue, and road maintenance resources and crews we have sent to support our fellow Kentuckians to the southeast, Rowan County will be collecting essential supplies in cooperation with the RCDC and Jailer Wes Coldiron at the Detention Center (1075 S. Tolliver Road) between 8 AM and 4 PM.
Read MoreThanks to these helpful grants from Governor Andy Beshear, we’re building a secondary ambulance service, improving accessibility and facilities at Cave Run Lake, and resurfacing all of Bullfork.
Read MoreRead about how one woman’s story shows that it’s truly possible to turn your life around.
Read MoreIn these trying times where we face both a pandemic and winter weather events, the importance of our Emergency Medical Services is clear. We are grateful for all our first responders and their coordinated efforts to serve our community. Our Rowan County Ambulance Service is proud to announce a scholarship program that will help train a new generation of paramedics, with $36,000 in total being utilized for the paramedic training of three individuals who will be staying right here at home to help our local community.
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